Hello, World! I'm Dylan Pettijohn.













About Me!













Dylan Pettijohn







Student, Software Engineer, Mechanical Engineer







I'm currently a student at Allen High School, I've been interested in Computer Science since the 6th grade. My interests include back-end software design and development, as well as front-end UI and website design.







I'm on track to complete Allen High School's Computer Science endorsment as well as receive certifications in Swift, Python, JavaScript, Linux, and C++. I'm graduating with the class of 2024 and I'm looking to gain experience in a real scenario and work enviroment.










My skills

Extensive use of JavaScript, used to program my Discord Bot, 3d printer file transfer, as well as other side projects.

I've been working with the HTML5 stack to create this website, as well as websites for my Discord Bot and friends.

I used NodeJS to create the database for my Discord Bot.

I've used Python for anything from web-scrapers to machine learning.

I'm currently studying swift for my endorsment at Allen High School.

Over the course of a year or so, I made many games experimenting with the Unity engine and having fun!

I learned C# in tandem with Unity to code my games.

I'm proffecient in PC hardware and I've built a couple computers, including the one I'm developing the website on!

I participated in Archery for 4 years, competing on the state team and placing top 5%.


Discord Bot

A Discord Bot, written in JavaScript. Grew to 206 servers, 74,591 users.

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A gag app made for IOS, made to reward bad driving.

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Personal Website

My personal website, where I show off my accomplishments.

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Model Scheduler

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Dumpster Fire LED

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Trouleshooting family PC

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Allen HS - HTML Game

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Personal Website

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Car work

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Contact Me

Email: dylan@pettijohns.com

Phone: 214-892-0371